
Olympic torch ascends Cannes red carpet as part of journey around France

AFP - [email protected]
Olympic torch ascends Cannes red carpet as part of journey around France
Former French athlete Thierry Rey, Former French athlete Marie-Jose Perec, President of the Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics Organising Committee Tony Estanguet, French basketball player Iliana Rupert, French paracyclist Marie Patouillet, French para athlete Alexis Hanquinquant, French paracanoeist Nelia Barbosa and French para athlete Arnaud Assoumani arrive with the Olympic Torch in Cannes. Photo by Valery HACHE / AFP

French athletes carried the Olympic torch up the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival on Tuesday, as it makes its way to the capital for the Summer Olympics.


The torch landed in the southern port city of Marseille earlier this month on board a 19th-century ship that had sailed it all the way from Greece.

It is now on a meandering route across France - and its overseas territories - building up to the Paris Games, which run from July 26th to August 11th.

On the red carpet, French basketball player Iliana Rupert was among those to hold the torch to the sound of tunes from sporty film soundtracks - including Chariots of Fire, about runners training for the 1924 Paris Olympics.


Retired sprinter and three-time Olympic gold medallist Marie-Jo Perec had her turn, as did the chief organiser of the Games, Tony Estanguet.

The Olympic flame is set to travel through 400 towns and dozens of tourist attractions during its 12,000-kilometre journey through mainland France, as well as visiting overseas French territories in the Caribbean, Indian Ocean and Pacific.

MAP Which French towns and villages is the Olympic torch visiting?

Authorities have said anti-terror and riot police in vehicles as well as anti-drone specialists would be permanently but discreetly deployed as the torch moves around.



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