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Paris airport to cancel 70 percent of flights due to strike

Emma Pearson
Emma Pearson - [email protected]
Paris airport to cancel 70 percent of flights due to strike
Many flights will be cancelled. Photo by Thomas SAMSON / AFP

France's civil aviation authority has ordered the cancellation of 70 percent of flights this weekend due to strike action by air traffic controllers.


The Direction générale de l'Aviation civile (DGAC) has ordered airlines to cancel 70 percent of flights scheduled to depart and land at Paris's Orly airport on Saturday, May 25th.

This is due to a one-day strike called by air traffic controllers. 

The cancellation notice states that "airlines must reduce their schedule for May 25th from 4am to 9.30pm by 70 percent."


This means that most flights will be cancelled, but it is up to individual airlines which flights they keep on the schedule - most airlines try to prioritise long-haul flights in order to minimise disruption.

Anyone with a flight booked is advised to contact their airline before travelling to the airport.

It's likely that there will be knock-on effects including delays into Sunday and possibly Monday.

Paris' larger Charles de Gaulle airport is not affected by the cancellation notice.

READ ALSO What are my rights if my flight is delayed or cancelled?



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